Friday, December 9, 2011

Flex + Firefox Display Issue

When I first started to look into Flex development, I ran into a strange situation.  My application runs fine in IE, but when I try the same thing in Firefox, the Flash block just disappeared.  It's not even displaying the the install Flash Player message as if I don't have the plug-in installed.

This issue has puzzled me for months till today.  I finally found out the cause from here.  So to make the swf file display, I'll have to define height for all the elements that will parent the file.  ie:
        <div id="parent">
            <div id="child">
                [swf object]

For this to work in Firefox, I need to define following css style:
html, body, #parent, #child {height:100%}

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Modify Headers in IE

Modify Headers is a very useful Firefox plug-in for developers.  It allows you to setup mocking data in headers for testing.  However, sometime the problem we are trying to solve is browser specific.  In this case, using Firefox is not an option.  I happen to bump into such issue that I have to get my application working in IE.  So I googled it and finally came up with the solution using Fiddler 2.  And here is my note on how to set it up and get it to work:
  1. After installed Fiddler 2 from it's official site, start the application.
  2. On the right panel, select Filters tab.
  3. Check "Use Filters"
  4. If you only need to add one header, then check "Set Request Header" and fill in the key-value pair under the "Request Headers" section 
  5.  If you need to add more than one header, then go to Menu -> Rules -> Customize Rules... or hit Ctrl + R to open CustomRules.js,
  6. Search for function OnBeforeRequest(oSession: Session) in the file, and add your headers in the function, ie: oSession.oRequest["MY_HEADER"] = "HEADER_VALUE";
  7. Save the filterset configuration and CustomRules.js
  8. IE8 or below doesn’t send requests for localhost through any proxies, and as a proxy, Fiddler will not receive such traffic, thus modify headers won't work with localhost or at all. You can refer to How-To guide to setup your local instance as you like.  Just make sure that whenever the header you added is asked, the request doesn't come for localhost or
  9. Finally, it come to the most tricky part.  When testing, you should always start Fiddler first, then click on the "Browse" button from toolbar to open a new IE window and go to your testing site from there.